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hinged frame中文是什么意思

用"hinged frame"造句"hinged frame"怎么读"hinged frame" in a sentence


  • 铰接框架
  • 绞接框架
  • 较接框架


  • The hinged frame offers the comfort of a perfect three - point fit
  • During elastic - plastic stage , the wall was equaled to a rigid frame - oblique compression bar model . during failure stage , the wall was equaled to a beam - hinged frame
  • Brief introduction the model kx920 wheel is one of the series leading products made in our works that is well received both at home and abroad for its reaso - nable design , beautiful contour , and advanced norms . by adopting of three - ele ment torque converter , fixed - axle type pcwer shifing transimission box , in = bub reduction , double - axle drive , hinged frame , all hydraulic steering , and clamping brade . the loader has such features as : large power reseve , fi - neaccelerating performace , comfortable operation , wide field of vision , it " s muti = function , high - effic ient and flexible engineering machinery . mor - eover , it can be equipped with many kinds of working attachments such as flat fort , muti - fnction bucket , and snow plow , so it may be used for loading and unloading , transporting , piling and leveling materials in various kinds of projects . mines , enterprises and city . welcome friends both at ho - me and abroad to visit our factory and to order our products
  • The wall was equaled to a beam - hinged frame . furthermore , the paper proposed a rigidity formula of continuous function based on damage theory . 4 ) on the basis of previous study on elastic stage , the paper put forward two orthotropic composite material models , twice reinforced model and bi - reinforced model , and also a simplified isotropic material model for engineering
    4 )结合课题组前期的研究成果,就墙体在弹性阶段的复合材料问题,提出两种正交各向异性复合材料计算模型:二次单向纤维加强模型和双向纤维加强模型,并在此基础上,给出了适于工程计算的各向同性墙体简化材料模型。
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